Back in 2014, I contributed a book chapter to David Hopkins‘ excellent book The Really Useful #EdTechBook. The book was incredibly well-received within the learning technology sphere. The experience for me, personally and professionally, was a very good one. So much so, that I asked David to consider me if he were to produce a follow-up to his book. Fast-forward to July 2016. Out of the blue, I get an email from David to say that he has a couple of ideas for some books and would I be interested? Too bloody right I said!
The idea that David eventually ran with is the book that became #EdTechRations – Emergency Rations: What’s so important we can’t leave it at home?. This is now available on Kindle or paperback through Amazon UK. Through David’s networks (both physical and virtual), he has assembled a stellar ‘cast’ of teachers, academics, learning technologists, instructional designers, managers, administrators, thought leaders, and change-agents who ponder the simple question:
What is the technology you find yourself turning around and going home for if you forget it. What can’t leave at home or work, what do you feel naked without? (in your bag, in your pocket, wearable, etc.)?
When I say “stellar cast”, I mean the likes of Steve Wheeler, Eric Stoller, Sue Beckingham, Jackie Carter, Ryan Tracey, Stephen Heppell, Alec Couros, Jane Bozarth, Bryan Mather, Amy Burvall, Julian Stodd, Jane Secker and many, many more talented and well-respected individuals. Each chapter by the 40-odd authors is different and unique.
What I find particularly interesting is that I have been able to look at these chapters through the lens of sociomateriality: the physical objects used; the spaces occupied (i.e. physical, transient, digital, virtual, biological and cognitive); the ideas and discourses that flow through, around and inbetween the objects, spaces and the user(s); the different manifestations of time (i.e. work time, play time, thinking tine, time across geographical boundaries); the policies, processes and procedures that enable this activity; the very performance of enacting the activity by the user(s) (i.e. writing on a blog); and the power relations that flow between objects, spaces, ideas, time, processes, performances and the user(s).
The question I am now asking myself is: Will I have to wait another two years before David Hopkins kindly asks me to contribute towards his next book?
I hope not! I can’t wait to see what he comes up with next…