Reflections on the e-Learning Ecologies MOOC

Well, that was the MOOC that was! According to the course convenors, Dr William Cope and Dr Mary Kalantzis, around 4000 participants signed up to become the second cohort on the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign‘s e-Learning Ecologies MOOC on Coursera, which is quite modest compared to the University of Edinburgh‘s e-Learning and Digital Cultures MOOC (over […]

In conversation with the Troika (Part 3)

In part one in my short “In conversation with the Troika” series of blog posts, I spoke to Alec about (e-)portfolios, professional learning and his Master’s thesis; in part two, I spoke to Bryn about academic practice, professional learning and longitudinal studies. Last, but no means least, is Cora… Conversation #3: Cora My conversation with […]

Brains on Fire

On Originality

In my last post, I mentioned that at the weekend residential for module 4, I had a “light-bulb moment” that gave rise to an idea for an eventual EdD thesis. My elation for having this “idea” prove to be short-lived (or it did at the time) as it appeared that a colleague had been working […]


A Liminal Pilgrimage

As readers of this blog may be aware, I am currently undertaking a Doctorate in Education (EdD) at Canterbury Christ Church University. I am on Module 4 (of 7) which goes by the title of “Contemporary Issues in Educational Research” which was superbly faciliated by Dr Judy Durrant and Dr Peter Grimes. For the assignment […]

Reflections on the #edcmooc (Part 2)

This is the second of 2 blog posts on my critical reflection of the E-learning and Digital Cultures Coursera course with the University of Edinburgh. Tutor Presence One of the most interesting things to come out of the #edcmooc was a post from an anonymous participant in an EDCMOOC discussion forum thread entitled “Where are the professors?” which ran along […]